Surveyors Island, Voyageurs National Park

Just back from 10 days in Minnesota visiting family. Mid-visit, we drove five hrs North to Voyageurs National Park at the Canadian border (adjacent to the legendary Boundary Waters), where we stayed in a "cabin" (sort of) at the water's edge. Rented canoes and kayaks for the duration (cheap!), and were able to paddle out into Rainy Lake and its archipelagos whenever we liked. I was able to do two sunrise and two sunset paddles on subsequent days - paradise. The park straddles the U.S. and Canada, and you have to be careful which islands you set foot on - entering Canada without going through Customs is a serious no-no. Here, landing on "Surveyor Island" a few miles from the cabin.
In Vitaminsea. Taken: Aug. 12, 2024

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